BLAKE, 2017 http://chatterbohxpress.wixsite.com/voicebohx/single-post/2016/12/31/Untitled Hey Tiger, Just wondering how you are doing lately? I often google your information and it leads me to your Facebook profile; but this time I couldn't find anything and so I emailed Uncle Sergio (and your father) who told me via email reply that none one has heard from you and don't know where you are. I then contacted a Lawyer in Australia who is trying to communicate with DHS on my behalf for answers but so far, there are none? I'm not asking for access, as you're now old enough to make your own decisions - I just want an update on your welfare, that's all. You know that if anything happens to you, I'm gonna nail their asses to the wall in court with unrelenting litigation action, I mean after all, the Department of Child Protection Australia, managed to convince the judge that they can do a better job than your mother but it seems they failed. Furthermore, an...